Join us for a powerful and sacred evening as we set apart this time for consecration, worship, and impartation at Sacred Space Ministries. This night is dedicated to seeking God’s presence, renewing our commitment to Him, and preparing our hearts for the next season of ministry.
We are honored to welcome Pastor Guevara Johnson of Interdenominational Faith Assembly as our guest speaker. Alongside his wife, Shannon Johnson, and the IFA family, Pastor Johnson will share a timely word that will equip, challenge, and strengthen us as we step into greater levels of faith and purpose.
Prepare for a night of prophetic release, deep worship, and spiritual renewal as we set ourselves apart for God's divine work. We invite you to come with an open heart, ready to receive all that God has for us in this sacred gathering.
"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." – Joshua 3:5
Come expectant. Come hungry. Come ready.
We look forward to seeing you there! #ConsecrationNight #SacredSpaceMinistries #IFA #SetApartForGod